It’s the Equinox!


And a very happy and blessed one to you and yours! ❤

Please enjoy 20% of on a reading by using the AUTUMN coupon code at checkout. Valid until 09-27-2015, that’s this coming Sunday.

Reading for the Week – Sept 21-27

2015-09-21 12.36.24

Beginning of the Week
IX Bows – Dedication
This week seems to be all about action, doing what you’ve set out to with all the fiery bows!
This particular card tells us to make sure we continue honing our skills, because most skills will never be completely mastered, there are always new ways, new hidden mysteries to be discovered about our chosen skills. While on the outside, it may seem like we effortlessly perform our chosen skill, we know ourselves how much time, how much frustration, and how long the road has been to come to this point, and how much farther we will always have to go.

Mid Week
VII Bows – Clearance
A very appropriate card as the Autumnal Equinox falls mid week. It is time to let go of what no longer serves you. Harvest what you can of it, and burn the rest away. We cannot move forward very far, or with much motivation to continue moving forward when we have to worry about carrying so much that we tire quickly and abandon the future.
Let it go.

End of Week
Queen Bows – Hare
There is the potential to work powerful magick come the weekend (making perfect sense as it is the full moon, as well as a lunar eclipse… and look at that beautiful moon in the card!). Nurture your potential, ensure that you are bringing peace into your life, as that will spread and touch those around you, allowing for it to weave a cozy blanket of love, peace and warmth for the coming months as the weather turns cold (in the Northern hemisphere), and we do more inner work as well as spend time with family and friends for the holidays.

It seems the cards are very in tune with the changing of the seasons and the final harvests to come. I hope your week is lovely, dear gentle readers! And remember, if you are interested in a reading, please visit my Etsy shop, The Forest Witch.

Reading for the Week – Sept 13-19, 2015

2015-09-12 10.41.47

Beginning of the Week
IX Cups
You will feel like you have everything that you need, or want, and are ready to share it with the world. There is a generosity that comes in the message of this card which stems from security and confidence. Look at how the woman is firmly seated, the wind blowing, yet she is solidly in place, a smile on her face. Take comfort in what you have in your life that is abundant.

II Cups
A partnership of some sort, whether romantic or no, is going to be a boon to you. Where you fall short, your other half picks up the slack, vice versa. Where you may be feeling overwhelmed, or sad, or even ill, they will carry you forward, knowing you will be there for them in kind one day. Appreciate the love and support you share with the ones close to your heart.

End of Week
Ace Cups
Another cup!
The Ace of Cups is filled to overflowing, where perhaps your well may have been dry or dwindling down to the last drops, now you have more than enough water flowing up to quench your thirst.
This is all connected to the spirit, the things that bring you joy; if you were feeling as though life was becoming void of things that truly fulfil and nourish your heart and soul, even work, now is the time when that is turned around.

It seems as though the coming week is going to be plenty awesome, lots of love, lots of contentment. I think it bodes well as autumn is beginning to blanket the land, and it’s generally the time of year to take stock of what we have.

If you enjoyed this reading, please head on over to my shop, The Forest Witch, and check out the readings I offer there.

Card of the Day – 07/28/2015

2015-07-28 15.36.26

Four Pentacles
There is much more to the world than what can be attained physically, what wealth and possessions one can aquire. Don’t let the shine blind your vision, look for more, there is alwas more that will fulfill you than merely earthly goods.

Just a reminder that I am having a sale in my shop right now! Receive 20% off any order over 10$ when you use the LAMMAS coupon at checkout!

Hope you are all enjoying the lovely (well, from inside, with air conditioning on) weather!! And for those of you in the Southern hemisphere, hope you are enjoying the coolness of your winter 🙂

Announcement Time!

I will be offering free one card readings for the time being! Yay!
What do you need to know about the readings? Well, there is a rule, one reading a day per person. That’s all.

Yes, I have one card readings in my shop, however I like you guys, and I would like for you (who have already been following along here) to enjoy some of my happy Spring happy-making. It is Beltaine tomorrow, after all!

I am not sure how long this will last for, I suppose until I am too busy, or there is too much to do. This could possibly change into only one card a week. But we’ll see when we get there 🙂

So happy Beltaine! Happy Walpurgisnacht, and whatever May Day celebrations you may be having. Even if it’s just the fact that the weather is getting nicer 😉

Please send me an email at


And We’re Live!

The shop is up!
The Forest Witch

The Shop Goes Live at Midnight!

At midnight EST, my shop will be live! I’m so excited, guys 😀

Remember I have a grand opening coupon for 20% off ANY reading, even a one card reading. Just type in: GRANDOPENINGYAY at checkout, and voila!

I hope to be hearing from some of you soon.
Also, thanks to those of you who got readings from me ❤ ❤ ❤

Divinations for a Month February 16 – March 16

I’ll be reposting this through the month as a reminder 🙂

I’m being Asked to provide divinations via tarot for the next month (I’m figuring until the middle of March). These will be free for that month, and if I decide to continue doing them afterwards, I will begin charging for them.

The default spreads I will be using are the Celtic Cross and World Tree. However, if your question requires it, a more appropriate spread will be used, whether if it’s by request or a suggestion I will make.

I will read for just about any question, however health questions are not something I do. I am not a doctor, and even if I were, I cannot see you in person and actually see what’s going on.

You can send me a reply to this post, or you can email me at

The Pagan Experience – B is for Baldr – The Road So Far

Ha, I just realized my title is akin to the Supernatural season finale/premiere title. Now I will proceed to sing “Carry on Wayward Son” by Kansas for the rest of the day. You’re welcome if I got that awesome song stuck in your head too 😉

In the spirit of sharing about the Gods I work with, I will speak a bit of how things are developing with Baldr. I want to share because writing these posts are always good for self reflection. I know I could write for myself in a journal, which I do anyway, but writing for an audience always requires for decent explanations that bring not only understanding to the reader, but to me again as well. Not all the things can be kept fresh and poignant in one’s mind after time has passed.

So, I haven’t really talked about Him much to anyone. It is still pretty new, but It’s amazing I’m coming right out of the gate and putting this up, in public even! Bear with me as I deal with my shock at myself! :O
Now, forgive me for perhaps becoming shy about discussing it, like I said in last week’s The Pagan Experience post about Who I work with, sharing the Who is a bit difficult for me, especially here on the interwebs since this place is known to have many trolls and assholes in general.

I ended up having a few readings done (well, the first one is how I found out Who was hanging around). The readings have said that magick was coming for me this year, as well as Baldr. And so far, that has held very true, which is what I want to discuss with you today, dear gentle reader!

The first thing that has come from this is regular divining on my part. Baldr has come through very clearly with my tarot cards. Communicating with Him has been quite unlike any attempt at communication I’ve had before. I’ve also done readings for myself for some things, and again, what comes back has been unlike any attempt at reading for myself I’ve done before. The only thing that ever seemed to be truly accurate was my new year readings I’ve done for each month of the year for the past I don’t know how many years. Other than that, I would get myself in those silly read and reread, and get ridiculous cards that just don’t make sense to me. Reading for yourself is just, sometimes you’re simply too close to see the big picture clearly (and that’s not just in divination).
Needless to say, if ever I had doubts about how people can be in contact with their Gods and Spirits, they’ve been thrown out the window. Of a very tall tower. Atop a cliff that drops hundreds of feet to the ocean.

Right now, this is what w/We’ve got for communicating because, for lack of a better analogy, I’m not quite wired up right, yet. I also feel like w/We are both going slowly about this. While of course I sometimes become impatient, I usually quickly remind myself that I also kind of want to relish this. I don’t want it all to happen in the blink of an eye. I want to learn, to really grasp what I’m doing, I want a solid foundation in this, not only o/Our relationship, but what I’ve been learning, and what I have yet to learn. I want to really know Him, I want that to develop naturally. There isn’t a rush on either end of this thing.

What has also come about is some interesting dream things. Not dream work or dream travelling, yet. Those things are to come, but for now, He’s asked me to begin a simple practice every night. I light a candle in my dark room, and breath Him in for a few minutes. Very simple. Right up my alley. Part of this practice came about because I was experiencing some really nasty dreams (not nightmares, but non-consensual sex things). I was already breathing in cleansing breath before bed anyway to clear out all the day’s thoughts for me to be able to fall asleep better. He suggested adding His own energy as an element to this practice.
Well, guess what? No more icky dreams. However, my dreams are different since I began doing this. Very different indeed. The feel of them is, I don’t know, more immanent? I’ve always been a vivid dreamer, I remember dreams I’ve had as a child all the way through to now. I’ve also been able to control dreams when they became not so nice for a very long time (I even remember the first dream I did this in, I believe I was five; there was a mustard incident in-dream, and I wanted to clean it badly enough that I made myself do that in-dream).
But back to my dreams right now, I don’t know. They’re just different. They’ve even shown some things that I don’t feel are visions of the future, but like a path the future could take me on, I guess? What I do understand and undoubtedly feel to my very bones is that I’m protected. Even though the dreams have seemed to be in a twilight, and interesting dark things sometimes happen, I’m not ever in danger.

I’m sure I’ll find out what the dreamy time things are about in time, though. He’s let me know that they’re where I’ll be travelling with Him when the time comes. The wait now is for my nightly practice to establish itself firmly, and through that, letting Him in little by little. The course this is all taking seems planned out, which I can appreciate. I’m not a fan of not planning, I usually only like spontaneous things if I’m the instigator or if very few people are involved. It’s kind of nice that Someone else knows what the plan is, as adults, we rarely get led onto adventures, or have true surprises (a big reason why I hate knowing what people are gifting me beforehand), so I am enjoying everything as it comes, though I have a feeling that it won’t always be without stresses and tests.

Of course, I sometimes want things to happen quicker, to get to where I’ve been hinted to w/We’re going, and then I ask if there’s anything else I should be doing. Nope. Just keep on with what’s happening now. Gotta build that strong foundation. Can’t have your house crumbling down at the slightest tremble of the earth.

Well, dear gentle reader, that’s kind of where it stands (well, not as of now, because when this is posted, I’d have already written this a week early, who knows, I could edit it in the interim with some amazeballs thing, though I don’t quite think so :P). Stay tuned for the continuing adventures!

The Hanged Man

The Hanged Man - Jamie Batrez

The Hanged Man – Jamie Batrez

The Fool’s Journey
Now the Fool has come upon a tree, intent on finding his spirituality. He sits down at the base of the tree, and days pass, people and animals move past him, the sun, moon, and stars cross the sky above him for nine days. He takes no food in this time. On that ninth day, with no forethought or logic to what he is doing, he climbs up the tree and hangs himself upside down.
His entire perspective of the world has changed, all that he knows he is is surrendered in the moment. This new perspective has allowed him to perceive his current state of hanging between the worlds of earth and spirit. He knows he will not be able to stay in this state forever, but he enjoys this moment of weightlessness.
When he finally allows himself to return to the earthly world, things will be changed for him. He will have to act on his knowledge and wisdom.

Now is a time for rest, but only from action. We suspend ourselves upside down, and therefore apart from the world around us so that we can go inward to the infinite universe within each of us. Meditation, sacrifice, trials, prophecy, and selflessness; these are what we are facing right now in order for us to gain the knowledge, insight, and enlightenment that is needed at this time.
Just as Odin sacrificed Himself on the tree for the runes, great magical knowledge and ability, we must set ourselves apart and seek out the solutions to our problems, the price the sacrifice pays for.