#30DaysMagicalRoots Challenge Day 28

Day 28: Magical Podcasts
Find a witchy or Pagan podcast online and download one episode. Magic isn’t always stuffy or serious, sometimes you have to enjoy the fun things in life. Relax and enjoy learning something new today.

Since I’ve listened to quite a few pagan podcasts over the last 8 years or so, I’m just going to share the ones I’ve listened to and love ❤

Firstly, of course, is The Wigglian Way! This was my first witchy podcast ❤ Even before I met Sparrow and Mojo in person, I adored listening to them. They’re silly, and real, and share some wonderful information as well as interviews, digging into how people come to their own paths and works. I also really enjoyed the retelling of myths, set upon fabulous music in the background, in the Mythic Voices segments, though it’s been a while since last they had that. *hint, hint 🙂 * You can join in on all the love on their FB group The Wigglian Way

Next up is New World Witchery. This is a wonderful show with great discussions on American-styled witchcraft. Cory & Laine talk about their own magical experiences practicing witchcraft, as well as encountering Otherworldly beings. Cory adores folk tales and so the episodes are peppered here and there with them, along with a Halloween special full of excellent stories for the witching season. It’s a great, well researched show! Check out their FB page New World Witchery.

Paige hosts the fabulous and real show The Fat Feminist Witch podcast. Her opinions are refreshing, and honest, which I’ve adored; and she knows her shit when it comes to any magical tool she talks about.  She’s kind and also sassy, hilarious at times, and that all shines through the podcast as well as interactions in her FB groups The Fat Feminist Witch Podcast and the Patreon supporters private group The Fat Feminist Witch n Bitch. I love that she brings witchcraft down to earth a bit when she talks about the use of weed in magical practice, or the fact that not every goddess should be reduced to a sacred womb, (along with every human woman). So much feminist, witchy goodness here!

Witch’s BrewHaHa! Velma Nightshade is frigging awesome, and though she hasn’t released an episode in a while, you can still find her and Firelyte doing the occasional Inciting a BrewHaHa podcast together. She’s discussed a lot of great ways to be a modern-day witch, how to use the tools that we have in our everyday lives, Sharpies anyone? I can’t currently find where to listen to them anymore, but I’m hoping Velma comes back or re-releases the previous episodes!

#30DaysMagicalRoots Day 5: Energy Work

Day 5: Energy Work
Start out rubbing your hands together, and then once they are warm, hold your hands about six inches apart. Push them together and then pull them apart and feel the energy build between your palms. Practice making the space larger and feeling the energy filling the empty space. Do this every day after your breath-work. See how large you can make the energy form. What shapes does it take? How does it feel? Any colors? Sensations? Smells? Make it your own! After you are done, press your hands to your chest and let the energy sink into your heart chakra.

With today’s challenge, I’ve decided to call upon some star energy since I’ve been reading Star Magick by Sandra Kynes along with Paige of The Fat Feminist Witch‘s Book Club of Shadows. And what better star than our own Sol? ❤

So first things first:
Grounding. I chose to call upon Lake Huron’s energies to ground me today. I picked up a rock I have from the beach,  set my feet flat on the floor, and began to call the waves up into me, clearing me out and anchoring me to the earth that cradles those same waves. I did this in my living room, as the beach is a little far for a late night drive, though now that I think on it… that would be nice! 🙂

Huron’s water energy felt cool and refreshing, and very calming.

Centering. I stood for this part, allowing my posture to lengthen, align physically as I do when I belly dance. It’s relaxed, but poised, allowing for the soft movements of a living body. I felt out my own energy, and slowly breathed it all into place, my chakras the anchors.

And for the finally of gathering in the Sun’s energy.
Still standing, I breathed into the Causal chakra inches above my head (this is where the Star Magick book comes into play as she discuses 4 extra-physical chakras are). I felt an opening up into this space, like the crown of my skull no longer was in place, and my own energy flowed out into, and energy from that space flowed back into me.

Then came the larger space of the Soul Star chakra, here is where I felt even more expanse flow into me, not yet the Sun’s energy, but the acknowledgement of that which is outside this human body, how much more there is out there than this flesh, than even this spirit.

Then I opened up the Stellar Gateway chakra, my intent on connecting to the Sun. Immediately a hot, slow, pulsing, radiating energy poured down through that opening and into me. I was so very aware of how full and all-encompassing Sol’s energy was. It was almost as if there was no room for my own energy, as it worked its way through me.
My hands were filled quickly with that orange-red radiating heat, and I felt it, moved it into a ball between my palms, expanding it as more energy flowed into me. My toes were still cold not only from the weather today but Lake Huron’s energies, so I decided to move that ball back into my torso, and push it down into my feet. The energy was slow, but within a few seconds, the heat filled up my feet, and began to warm them, soles first.

There was definitely an amazing sense of Sol being related to me, in that we are both part of this system, of this galaxy. Of what an amazing thing it was that we happened to occupy the same relative space of the entire universe. There was also such a solid sense of how large Sol is, of how small I was that my energy was not displaced, but almost completely overlapped/integrated into Sol’s.

After this energy working, I CANNOT wait to work with other stars and constellations and integrating that energy into my own magick!

We are made of star stuff ❤ ★

#30DaysMagicalRoots Day 4: Intention

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll have seen my post today about setting my intention for the day of do all the things. And I did! It was very busy with bagging all the teas for the craft fair next week, weeding a large part of the garden, and helping my tomato plants that were blown over.  The thunderstorm energy really helped give that extra boost to get. shit. done.

Set your intention for this challenge. What do you hope to get out of it? Our intentions are so important when it comes to magic. You must have a clear vision in order to proceed with the action. (Make one or two concrete goals: for example, “I’d like to create a simple daily magical routine for myself” or “I’d like to try three new magical techniques before the end of the month.”)

So the day’s intention was set and met, I would say! But now for the intention for this challenge…

What do I hope to get out of it? I think to live a more magickal life via simple daily practice, even just grounding/centering. Not only this, but to also continue to do the personal work to align myself better to my ideals, which will allow my magick to flow much more easily into the physical world. These things don’t have to be huge and all-time consuming, they just have to be.

I think I also want to set daily intentions. Simple though, of course, but getting myself in the right frame of mind for what the day holds.

If you’re following along with the challenge, what is your intention for the month?

August Handcrafted Faves

The Empress Tarot Prayer Beads by The Wytch of the North
Harvest Basket by Little Wolf and Autumn
Rocky Mountain Foothills by Peripheral Images
Ceres by Emily Balivet
Sunflower Crown by Crystaled Dreams
Lughnasadh Candle by From A Fable
Citrine Point by Lightwork Stones

YT Pagan Challenge! Week 1

I’ve been strong-armed into participating in the YouTube Pagan Challenge!! Well, lovingly by Jo 😉

I will likely change up how I video… but I’m (fortunately?) much too tired to have re-recorded it! I don’t want to be as close next time, also on a day that is not so terribly dark! Oh how perfectionism stinks sometimes, nothing is ever good enough! 😛

Anywho, join in if you haven’t already, or take a look at all the witchy videos!! ❤

Let’s Catch Up

So if any of you have been with me on this blog for some time, you’ll know that spring is quite a momentous time for me. Things get planned, plans become actions, and generally there is much happening for me. This runs into the summer, and hopefully this year it will run well into fall (especially concerning my garden and processing my harvest).

Well, along with plans of how I’m going to be spending my time (either in the garden or crafting things for Yule, yes I start early, as well as beginning to write music again), my spiritual life has taken an interesting turn. Thor has popped in as the Gods I regularly work with have stepped back. I’m not too sad about it, though I do miss Them, however Thor has proven quite helpful, if not direct. He’s pretty funny, and the snark ensues at times, though He’s pretty gentle when needed.

It seems I’ve just got some things to undo, some weird thinking about how I interact with my regular People. And the main point… THE MAIN REASON is that I need to be DOING. That’s all He keeps hammering (hehe) into my head. Just do things, make things, do magic, write music, go work in your garden, do, do, do!

I asked Him why He decided to help me out:
“Because I like you, kid.”

In terms of the thinky things, He’s actually quite perfect for this in a few different ways. You see, no matter that at least one of my People has been around for a few years, I still have this weird way of thinking that things must be super serious, and even with Odinn, that’s usually not always the case. There have certainly been moments, however, the general feel with Him, Frija, and Baldr is that of my loved ones, family, good friends. Even when one of Them would crack a joke, I would laugh a bit, but still try to impose a more serious face on Them.

With Thor, I don’t know that it’s because He’s very accessible to people, that He’s got a pretty friendly reputation, partnered with the fact that so many are quite aware of Him now (though that’s more Marvel Thor than Who He really is). I couldn’t possibly pin it down to one particular psychological reason to be honest.
This all ties into the doing He’s been emphasizing. We had a chat when I stayed outside under my umbrella the other day during a very light thunderstorm, and He let me know that I’ve honoured Him more wholly, and just more, whenever the thunder and rains have come. I know that I have honoured Odinn when the howling winds begin stirring in the autumn, or when a strong breeze moves through me while I’m in the garden. Or Baldr when I’m standing in the Sun, letting the warmth permeate my body. Or Frija when I marvel at the beauty of the green things growing around me.  I know sometimes I’m not going to feel that kind of wonderous energy that really kicks up any of my interactions with Them, and that’s OK. 
But what this has made me realize is that I can’t possibly schedule in something that’s so tied to my heart. Hmmm… I believe I’ve talked about this before… Yet, I need to seek out those things that help me connect to Them more easily, more whole-heartedly.

All of this is allowing me to be more in the moment. When I feel moved, I get up and light my candles and pray to Them, thanking Them for whatever inspirations have come when thinking on Them, or just letting Them know something reminded me of Them.
It’s odd business trying to have relationships with Those you cannot touch or have Their physical presence around. in this way, it makes the relationship that much harder, really having to remember that They are there, or that you should probably hang out with Them, cuz, you know, it’s been like a week, and would you really go that long without talking with those who are incredibly important to you who are corporeal? Likely not.

So here I am. Doing. Being in the moment. My relationships with Them are very important to me, so why am I making it out to be more serious business (especially the business part) than They actually have shown They want? Yes, there are things that They want me to do, want me to learn, and those things are business, but once I know my tasks, the rest of o/Our time together is quite relaxed. And to be honest, all They’ve indicated is for me to be a witch (lots of doing), and to be with Them, journeying as often as I can. Yes, certainly I need some time after certain travels that require some unraveling, but otherwise, apparently They like me, and that’s just as well, because I happen to quite like Them 🙂

PBP – 7 Witchy (Pagan/Polytheist) Questions

This was originally posted on YouTube by Ember HoneyRaven, and I just watched Beth & Jo’s response to it and decided to make my own video! Woooow. Everyone is starting to get on the video wagon… which I definitely don’t think is a bad thing. We need to get out there, Pagan folks!

Also, I’m posting this a day early because I want to! 😛


Pagan Blog Project – P is for Prayer




a devout petition to God or an object of worship.

a spiritual communion with God or an object of worship, as in supplication, thanksgiving, adoration, or confession.

the act or practice of praying to God or an object of worship.

a formula or sequence of words used in or appointed for praying: the Lord’s Prayer.

prayers, a religious observance, either public or private, consisting wholly or mainly of prayer.
The above was copied from dictionary.com
Obviously the meanings that are written above are written in a more Christian fashion, seeing as apparently other Gods are “objects of worship”. However, that’s not what this post is about.
What I wanted to talk about is why prayer is important for me. Every night before I go to sleep, I thank Them and my ancestors for all that has been provided for me during that day, because I am incredibly grateful that I have a home, and food, and family and friends who are amazing and provide me with lots of love. I want Them to know that I appreciate the life I’ve been given and the relative ease with which I am living it. I clearly have some issues with things, as all of us do, but I am taken care of, and have the things that are really important.
I did at one point try to use nightly prayers based on old poems and hymns written for Them, it seems that doesn’t work for me as my mind wanders as I read the words. I understand that having the words said over and over provides power to those words, weaves energy within them, but I don’t think that’s where I’m at yet. I have a short prayer I made up that allows me to focus and really put meaning into it, instead of mindlessly reading words that are holding no meaning for me because again, my brain wanders.
I have written a few songs to use as prayers, in fact, I forgot that I had until now, lol. I shall sing them. Obviously as a singer, there is magic in that for me, the power of my voice, and the words I wrote myself. The melody, the intervals of the notes… “Music is the ritual” that’s what They keep whispering into my heart, and I know it’s true. This is one of my truths. And now this post turns into self-revelation. Not a bad thing.
Back to praying… I like that it ties my days together, and that if I don’t end up really interacting with Them, at the end of my day, I get to focus on Them for at least a few moments before sleep. I do worship Them after all, and prayer is an integral part of worship.

Would you like another drink?

Well hello there! It’s been a while. Well, come on in and let’s chat!

There are some changes on the wind… my man and I are going to be starting a YouTube news channel!! I’ll be updating links and such when we begin, which is hopefully next week. Unfortunately, it won’t really be pagan bent, but that’s what I have this blog for!

In other news, I am getting over a cold… yes, a cold… in July. Oh well! I have the luxury of resting and staying home as home is where I work from! 😉 I am on the mend now, feeling better and less cloudy in the head.

In more magical news… I was reading Sarah’s latest blog post… and I had a realization of my own. I’ve written about this before, but it hasn’t been as clear to me as when I read her blog… Alcohol, nummy, nummy alcohol is my key to connection with the divine. I’m not talking about being incredibly, senselessly drunk… I’m talking about two or three glasses… a warm, happy, and almost always, spiritual tipsy-ness.
I find I struggle with the “doing” bit of this path. I’m a very internal, constantly thinking, observing, analyzing type of person. I do create physical things when inspired… I find that other than the ritual with my coven and trad, the same set up of ritual doesn’t work for me when I’m alone. I suppose some of that has to do with the fact that it’s obviously about the HPs & HP and the group working together to raise up the energies, creating circle. For me though, my energies, my circle is up as soon as I start feeling tipsy. Everything is sacred in that time… the time spent with friends, the time spent with my man, getting frisky. (Considering who my patron Deities are, the friskiness is not a huge surprise!).

Since beginning to make alcohol as well, I feel even more connected to this substance. My home-made meads and ciders make me feel a lot different from what buying the alcohols at the liquor store make me feel. When I buy the liquor, I feel slow, fuzzy; kind of like the lights in my brain are being turned off until it’s empty. With my own alcohol, all the things that worry me fall away, I’m inquisitive, sharp, feel connected to my true inner self and my Gods. I feel as though I am a conduit for Their inspirations to fill and affect the world around me. I offer Dionysus and my Gods my drinks, I burn incense, have deep conversations with my love, weaving the magic that bonds us together.

I am inspired on alcohol, I will usually feel like I need to have ritual, although when I do end up having ritual, it’s still not right. I realize now that for me alone, ritual is not what works for me. I do not feel connected to my Gods when I do it, so why do I keep trying to make it work? Because that’s what I think I’m supposed to do. Even though I am participating in a Wiccan tradition, my personal practice is not so structured, and dare I say, Wiccan. My beliefs generally follow along with Wiccan beliefs, but I cannot pretend that outside of group ritual, the practice of that kind of ritual (mainly) works for me.
I’m not entirely sure spells are my bag either. That’s not the way I make magic. The only spell that’s ever really worked has been the love spell I cast which brought my love and me together. Perhaps then, I realize now, love is where my magic lies. Which, if I think about it, makes too much sense. I wouldn’t say I’m a hopeless romantic, but love, for me, is the greatest purpose.

So there it is… I’m a bit of a Maenad (though definitely not as crazy and drunk, and I won’t be ripping any bulls apart with my hands), structured ritual isn’t my personal bag, and my magic is love.

Being sincere

Over the past few weeks, I have been doing spells and workings for other people, mostly in the healing department. What these workings have made me come to realize is that I haven’t ever put as much energy into workings for myself as I do for others.  So I have been asking myself, why?

I think this just goes along with the whole problem most people have in mundania: we are horrible at helping ourselves. When someone else is suffering, we step up and give, give, give; when we are suffering, it is ignored, pushed aside, thought little of. I believe that if we admit we need help, support, whatever, we view ourselves as weak and incapable of being a “good” human being. This is why I think this “I/Me” world of today where our neighbours are no longer the people we can rely upon, there is no more sense of community, even within our own families, is really killing us. We need to realize that we are a creature that NEEDS community to survive properly.

Although we live in a more national, or global community, we rely on farmers to provide us with food, to provide the materials needed to make our clothing, we rely on the carpenters and builders to build our homes, to make them safe, we rely on the people working in the stores to sell us the goods that we need. We need these people. We cannot do it all by ourselves. Think if you had to raise your own sheep, grow your own food, build your own house all on your own. Would you survive your first year? There’s just too many skills out there for one person to possess them all.

But getting back to workings for myself… I seem to not give myself enough credit that within me is a deep power that can truly affect my world for whatever reason I might need. I also find I feel more or less silly when I ask my deities to be there with me and hear what I need. I feel like I am being selfish, if that makes any sense at all. I’m sure there are some of you out there who have to deal with this too. We are very much told never to be selfish, that it rots you away into a lonely, evil person in the end. However, how can we give of ourselves when we receive nothing? When we ask for nothing, we get nothing. The Gods may know our minds, but like that old saying, they “favour the bold”.

So be bold to ask when you need it! And even when you just want it sometimes. This path is not one of abstinence, chastity, going without to feel like you’re a “good” person. This is a path of enjoyment, experience, appreciating what you have for the time you have it. I feel it does one no good to not have something one desires for the sake of feeling “unselfish”, all that does is make obsessions over the things you want, perhaps even constantly thinking of how much you want so much but “aren’t allowed” to have it because to have things would make you self-absorbed and not mindful of anyone else.

Get the things that you desire! But always balance it with helping others when the time comes. Be open for giving and receiving; if there is not an even flow of both, you will either have nothing to give, or be completely full and stagnant.