New Window Herb Garden

Yay! Finally got to making my little garden, albeit, it’s a potted window garden. Actually, with herbs, I think I prefer it that way so that I can bring them in when it gets cold out and still have fresh herbs for cooking and magic(k)! 😀 How much more can a girl ask for?

So what I sowed a few nights ago was:
Catnip, cilantro, nigella, thyme, summer savory, chives, chervil, spearmint, calendula, sweet basil, oregano, lavender, marjoram, nasturtium, sweet fennel, feverfew, mugwort, vervain, valerian and wormwood.

And there are pics of our new backyard! These pictures are about a week older than the herb garden pics, if you couldn’t tell by the fact that the lawn and garden is all trimmed up.