#30DaysMagicalRoots Days 6&7

Blessed Full Moon and partial eclipse! I think I’m going to do a small reading for myself after this, but mostly just chill out ❤

But now back to our regular programming with Plentiful Earth’s 30 Days Magical Roots Challenge!

Day 6: Shielding
Practice working with your shields today. Every witch and magical practitioner needs to have strong boundaries and defenses. Make sure yours are strong and ready for whatever life throws your way. If you don’t know how to create personal shields, do some research on the topic today. (Recommended resource: The Witch’s Shield by Christopher Penczak)

After grounding and centering, and a little bit of energy play, with Lake Huron’s energy this time, I decided to get back on land, so to speak, and ask my favourite tree’s help in shielding. I haven’t really shielded overly much in all my time as a witch, though I do remember some late night walks asking for protection from the Moon and some Goddesses (I actually think it was a chant from Cunningham’s Wicca for the Solitary Practitioner). It’s not something I’ve ever felt I needed to do so much, however, now that I’ve been thinking on a lot of energetic things the last while, perhaps it is something I need to do so that I can get out and around people more (something else I’ve been thinking a lot on). If I shield myself better from others’ emotions and negativity, perhaps I wouldn’t be so drained when I’m surrounded by others.

So back to shielding, I asked the willow tree to lend me the strength to keep negativity and harm of any kind away from me. Branches sprouted up out of the earth, and began surrounding me, and though at first they were the iconic, thin weeping willow leafy branches, they soon turned into the thick, long limbs of the tree, many inches of willow between me and the world. It was a cozy cocoon of sorts. And I’m not gonna lie, kinda reminded me of Groot’s protection ball, though a little different. ❤

Since I didn’t go out yesterday or today, I’m going to see how well it holds up tomorrow as I run some last minute errands for the craft show on Thursday.


Day 7: Yoga Pose
Choose one yoga pose to do every day this month. See how you improve over the month. If you need help finding some yoga poses, check these links out: Jessamyn Stanley or Yoga with Adrienne.

I decided on Trikonasana, or Triangle pose for the rest of the month. This is a pose I enjoy doing during warm up for belly dancing, the strength and focus on keeping the feet grounded by being aware of my leg muscles makes me feel strong and centered. It’s also a great pose for the entire body to be involved, which I also enjoy. I continued feeling the energies of grounding/centering/energy work/shielding (yeesh, that’s a lot!), but I also enjoyed being so very much in the moment, thinking of my physical body, the adjustments to keep balance and to keep my limbs strong and long.

If you’re following along in the challenge, how is it going for you? I’ve really been enjoying this back to basic practice very much! ❤

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