Lemon Cakes Tea

Lemon Cakes

Enjoy Sansa’s favourite dessert in this lovely cup of green tea, filled to the brim with buttery lemon cakes.

Green tea blended with lemon pieces, calendula and essence of buttery cake. Enjoy on tense afternoons when you don’t know who to trust and are perhaps plotting revenge on your captors.

Find Sansa’s Lemon Cakes here, and find other story time teas here.

5 thoughts on “Lemon Cakes Tea

    • Hehe, good!
      In “The Game of Thrones” books (aka: A Song of Ice and Fire), Sansa is a young girl of a noble house (actually noble, because everyone else is crazy and very sketchy and merderous), who is supposed to marry the soon to be king of the realm, except he’s a psycho and very sadistic, like to the extreme.

      They’re excellent books! Fill in a lot of detail the show has left out or changed. 🙂


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